From LA City Ethics -- Lobbying Playlist

Posted on 12/11/2023

Lobbying Playlist

Lobbying Program staff at the Ethics Commission hosted an online session to demonstrate how to access data on lobbying activity in the City of Los Angeles.

We are excited to share that clips from the session are now available on our Lobbying YouTube playlist. The playlist includes short videos, organized by topic, with guidance on how to search for lobbying data on the Ethics Commission website. The videos show you how to navigate key pages including our Data Hub and Public Data Portal.

These resources were created to provide public insight into lobbying activity reported in the City. Watch the YouTube playlist to discover useful tools and tips for searching information such as:


  • who is a registered lobbying entity,
  • who is a lobbying client,
  • how much a lobbying client paid for lobbying services,
  • which matters are currently being lobbied on,
  • and more.


For a general overview of lobbying laws, you can reference our Lobbying Brochure or our Laws page.  


Thank you.

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