Mayor Bass Releases Feedback From Hundreds of LAPD Officers and Community Leaders To Inform Chief of Police Search

Posted on 09/17/2024

Several months ago you participated in a listening session with Mayor Bass regarding the selection of the next Chief of Police.  Thank you for your invaluable input.  I wanted to provide an update.

This morning, the Mayor's Office released the LAPD Chief of Police Search Community Engagement Report. This report documents the valuable perspectives and sentiments of a diverse array of Angelenos regarding the selection of the next LAPD Chief of Police. We are so grateful to you and to your fellow community leaders for sharing your thoughts and opinions on the direction of the LAPD and on the qualities and vision that the LAPD's new Chief must espouse. Because of you, this process is and will continue to be comprehensive, inclusive, and fair. Most of all, it will ensure that the next LAPD Chief of Police is the best individual for this critical and difficult job.

Please find the link to the report HERE.

Please also note that this document reflects community input to date, as the Mayor and the Mayor’s Office continue to engage with and learn from community groups, officers, business groups, and more.

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